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Our Residential Program

Jacaranda Housing exists to come alongside at-risk, transition-age young adults and equip them with the tools and support they need to thrive. Our vision is to open a Residential Program that will house six-eight young women ages 18-24 for up to two years as they learn essential life skills, are paired with dedicated mentors, continue their education, obtain employment, and more! Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty that each of these young women face as they enter adulthood. We will do this through creating a family environment where they feel supported as we help them become independent adults with bright futures.

Smiling Woman


Providing Stability

At Jacaranda Housing, each of the six young women in our Residential Program will be able to reside with us for up to two years. This provides them with stability while they attend school, take life skills classes, and work. It also allows them to begin putting money away in savings for when they graduate our program.


Providing Tools for Success

Each young woman in our Residential Program will be taught essential life skills that will help them thrive as independent adults. We will teach grocery shopping, cooking, budgeting, finances, time management, job skills, health and wellness, and more! We also assist them with continuing their education while creating an individualized five-year plan with each one of them.

Woman Baking
Women Holding Hands


Providing Support

Our goal for each young woman in our Residential Program is for them to find a mentor who will provide them with support and friendship as they are learning how to become independent adults.


What We Will Be Working Towards

At the end of their two years in our Residential Program, our goals for each young woman are that they:

  • Have 6 months' worth of living expenses in a savings account.

  • Have essential life skills that help them thrive once they are out on their own.

  • Have a 5-year plan.

  • Have a resume with on the job experience.

  • Are enrolled in and attending a trade school, technical school, or college.

  • Have received 2 years of professional counseling.

Working From Home

Jacaranda Housing is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, contributions to which are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.  EIN: 86-2772676

© Copyright 2022, Jacaranda Housing

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